Panel discussion: France-Asia scientific relationships

11:10 – 12:15 / Wednesday November 29


10 min briefing
40 min panel discussion
15 min Q&A

Goals, tools and approaches to optimize the added value of co-operation

Speakers and Moderation:

Lise DUMASY, President, University Grenoble Alpes
Pierre LEMONDE, France Embassy Science Counselor
Philippe QUEILLE, Group R&D VP Asia, Air Liquide (Shanghai)
Raj THAMPURAN, Managing Director, A*Star (Singapore)
Mukesh KUMAR, CEFIPRA Director (India)
Moderation: Jacques MALEVAL, Director (CNRS Japan Office)

The panel discussion is addressing both the challenge of Europe-Asia scientific co-operation and the tools needed to implement this objective. As a public research performing organization (RPO), CNRS has for example to cope with various constraints. Among others, they include the scientists’ need for more co-operative channels and links with Asian countries, especially countries experiencing a science development. However, resources are limited for international exchanges. Another key issue is to qualify and sometimes quantify the added value of the co- operation in order to adequately contribute to the international strategy of the RPO. In other words, how to generate, select, and organize the best ideas, projects or schemes that are based on excellence science, are expected to develop outreach and have a significant impact in terms of scientific co-production.

The panel discussion will be exploring the various Asian RPO and RFO (Research Funding Organizations) current policies and best practices regarding scientific co-operation with Europe. Debate will also focus on forecasting and assessment: what are the best co-operative tools to foster Europe-Asia science exchanges? Are PPP needed? On this aspect, CNRS will elaborate on its Asian “international mixed units” (UMI), i.e. research labs located in an Asian country, jointly operated by an industry partner, one (or more) local academic partner and CNRS. Other Asian RPO and RFO will provide their input and their vision for the future.